34th ECNP Congress Hybrid!
The 34th ECNP Congress, 2-5 October 2021, Lisbon, Portugal will be a hybrid congress. Hybrid means you have a choice: you can join in-person in Lisbon or online.
This video explains how it works:

The most flexible congress Due to Covid-19, our cancellation/change policy is very flexible. You can switch from an in-person registration to an online registration, or vice versa, free of charge, right up to 2 September. Cancellation before 2 September 2021 will only cost you a small administrative fee.
Via the below button you can read more and register right away!

Onsite safety measures in Lisbon
To keep our in-person congress participants safe and healthy at the congress venue in Lisbon, special steps are being taken.
As well as the personal protective measures already in place (see here), participants will now be asked to present one of the following to enter the venue:
- Vaccination certificate or EU QR code;
- Negative PCR test done no more than 48 hours in advance;
- Negative antigen test done at the congress centre.
And as additional measures:
- Children will not be admitted into the venue;
- There will be no onsite childcare;
- No cash payments can be accepted at registration.
The full details of the venue’s Covid-19 policy can be reviewed here, along with information on the testing facility at the venue.
Portugal’s Covid-19 measure for travellers entering the country can be found here.
Keynote and Plenary Lectures
Every ECNP Congress features an impressive programme with excellent speakers. This year is no exception with the below Keynote Lecture and Plenary Lectures.
These sessions have a duration of 45 minutes and will be livestreamed, available for in-person and online participants. For a short outline of the topic and biographies, follow the links in the titles.
Keynote Lecture
How we build internal models of the world
Ray Dolan, United Kingdom
Saturday 2 October, 18.15
Interview (pdf)
Plenary Lectures
A metabolic nexus between anxiety and low motivation
Carmen Sandi, Switzerland
Sunday 3 October
ECNP Neuropsychopharmacology Award Lecture – Oxytocin: new faces of an old peptide
Valery Grinevich, Germany
Monday 4 October
Press release
The nature of schizophrenia
Michael J. Owen, United Kingdom
Monday 4 October
Inflamed depression
Ed Bullmore, United Kingdom
Tuesday 5 October
Brain Prize Lecture - Genetics and signaling mechanisms of migraine
Jes Olesen, Denmark
Tuesday 5 October
More about The Brain Prize winners 2021
Full programme
To view the full congress programme, click the button below.

ECNP Citation Prize
We’re pleased to announce the winner of the 2021 ECNP Citation Prize:
Christiaan Vinkers et al., ‘Stress resilience during the coronavirus pandemic’ (Eur. Neuropsychopharmacol. 35, 2020, pp. 12-16).
The ECNP Citation Prize recognises and encourages impactful original research in the ECNP journal European Neuropsychopharmacology and it is awarded to the most cited research paper in the preceding two years
Congratulations to Christiaan Vinkers and his co-authors!
To read the article, click here.